Did you know that Hashem’s name is incomplete? The Torah tells us exactly why.

This week is Parshat Zachor, when we fulfill the mitzvah to remember Amalek. But Amalek isn’t just an ancient nation—it’s an ideology. They stand for randomness and coincidence, for a world without Hashem. They are the opposite of emunah.

When Amalek attacked, Moshe didn’t just send Yehoshua to fight. He went up on a mountain and lifted his hands to Hashem. As long as his hands were raised—representing emunah—Bnei Yisrael won. But when they dropped, Amalek started to win.

The message is clear: When we strengthen our faith, we overpower Amalek. But when we lose sight of Hashem—when we see life as random—Amalek gains strength.

And this battle is still happening today. Not with swords, but in our hearts and minds.

The Torah says timcheh et zeicher Amalek—erase their memory. Because as long as their ideology exists, Hashem’s name is not complete.

”Al keis Ka”—even Hashem’s throne is missing letters, waiting for the day we erase doubt from the world. And before Mashiach comes, Chazal say things will get so difficult that we will have no one left to rely on except Avinu Shebashamayim—our Father in Heaven.

This connects perfectly with Parshat Tetzaveh. Hashem commands us to bring pure, crushed olive oil for the menorah. Why crushed? Because olives only release their best oil when they are pressed.

Yirmiyahu HaNavi compares Bnei Yisrael to olives, and the Midrash explains that just as olives release their most precious oil when they are crushed, so too, when Bnei Yisrael face challenges and hardships, we emerge stronger and more refined.

When we go through struggles, we don’t break—we become greater. Amalek tries to crush us, but instead of falling apart, we shine even brighter. Like the olive oil fuels the menorah, our challenges fuel the light of Torah in the world.

This is our mission: To fill the world with so much emunah and belief in Hashem that Amalek’s ideology disappears forever. And when that happens… V’haya Hashem l’Melech al kol ha’aretz—Hashem will be King over the whole world! bayom hahu yehieh Hashem echad u’shemo echad.  On that day, Hashem will be one and His name will be one and complete. 

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