Tag: bitachon

  • Trusting Hashem’s GPS on the Road to Geulah

    When Hashem took Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt, He did not lead them through the shortest route, derech Eretz Plishtim “ki karov hu” which was the closest and seemingly easiest route. Instead, He took them on a longer, seemingly roundabout journey to prevent them from wanting to turn back out of fear. We often seek…

  • Fearless Faith: The Key to Living the Dream

    What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail? Close your eyes. Imagine waking up tomorrow with absolute certainty that nothing could stop you. No fear. No doubt. Just pure confidence that Hashem has your back. Would you finally start that passion project? Share your voice with the world? Make Aliyah? Or would you…

  • The Healing We Don’t See

    In Parshat Beshalach, Hashem tells Bnei Yisrael: “If you follow My ways and do what you’re supposed to do, I won’t strike you with the plagues I gave to Mitzrayim, because I am Hashem, your healer.” At first glance, this seems a little strange. Hashem, our healer? Healing happens after sickness. But here, Hashem is…

  • What Have You Done for Me Lately?

    We read in the Torah about Bnei Yisrael’s journey out of Mitzrayim, and honestly, it’s frustrating to watch. Hashem saves them from slavery with incredible miracles—the ten plagues, the splitting of the sea—and what happens? The next moment, they’re panicking. “We’re trapped! The Egyptians are coming! We’re all going to die!” So Hashem splits the…

  • Breaking Free: Shattering the Invisible Barriers Holding You Back

    As we leave Mitzrayim in the story of Yetziat Mitzrayim, we recognize that each of us has our own personal Mitzrayim to break free from. Maybe it’s self-doubt.Maybe it’s fear of the unknown.Maybe it’s just being too comfortable in a life that isn’t really what we want. But deep down, we all feel it. That…

  • Strengthening Emunah in Dark Times is the Key to Redemption

    David Hamelech writes in Tehillim: “Tov L’hodot L’Hashem”—”It is good to give thanks to Hashem… To declare Your Chesed in the morning and Your Emuna at night.” (Tehillim 92:2-3) It is easy to sing Hashem’s praises when life is smooth—“L’hagid baboker chasdecha”—we naturally feel Hashem’s kindness in those moments. But what about the darkness? What…

  • Finding Purpose Through Struggles: A Journey of Growth, Gratitude, and Giving

    Life is a journey filled with moments of triumph and times of challenge. Yet, it’s during the struggles—the hardest, most humbling moments—that we often uncover our true purpose. Right now, we’re reading the parshiot about Bnei Yisrael transitioning from slavery to freedom, a story we revisit every Pesach Seder. Rav Hershel Schachter teaches that Pesach…

  • Recognizing Hashem’s Goodness: The Path to Redemption

    At the end of last week’s parsha, Moshe approaches Hashem, frustrated that not only did Pharaoh refuse to let Bnei Yisrael go, but the slavery intensified. Hashem reassures Moshe, saying, “Ata tireh”—you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. In this week’s parsha, Hashem delivers a transformative message to Bnei Yisrael: “I am Hashem, and I will take…

  • Hashem Heard Their Cry: Why is this Time Different?

    The Struggles of Bnei Yisrael In this week’s parsha, Shemot, we witness the deepening struggles of Bnei Yisrael as they endure worsening slavery in Mitzrayim. The parsha opens with the tragic turning point: a new Pharaoh arises, one who “did not know Yosef,” and initiates the enslavement of the Jewish people. As the parsha unfolds,…

  • How to Reprogram Your Mind with Gratitude: The 4-Minute Practice That Changes Everything

    Have you ever found yourself stuck in a loop, focusing on what’s wrong instead of celebrating what’s right? For years, that was me. If something didn’t go as planned, it would consume my thoughts. I could have a hundred things going well, but one small problem would grab my attention and pull me down. But…