At the beginning of Parshat Bo, Moshe once again delivers Hashem’s message to Paroh:
“For how long will you refuse to submit to Me? Let My people go so they may serve Me.”
Paroh’s advisors, exhausted by the cycle of plagues and warnings, urged him to give in:
“Let the men go and serve their God—don’t you see our land is being destroyed?”
Paroh listens to his advisors, but before agreeing, he asks Moshe a crucial question:
“Mi v’mi holchim?” — Who exactly is going?
Moshe answers boldly:
“Binareinu uvizkeineinu neilech…” “With our young and our old—we are all going, because this is a chag for Hashem.”
Paroh is confused.
“Why take your children?”
To him, and to many throughout history, not everyone is valued equally. Some people are seen as more important, while others are dismissed as insignificant.
But in Bnei Yisrael, every single soul matters.
We don’t leave connecting with Hashem to our elders or just to our leaders. Serving Hashem isn’t just for rabbis, teachers, or scholars.
Every Jew—no matter their age, status, or background—has an essential role.
The world may not understand our deep love and respect for every member of Am Yisrael. They may laugh at the value we place on each Jewish soul.
But they don’t realize—each one of us carries a spark of Hashem, waiting to be ignited.
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