Parshat Beshalach

In Parshat Beshalach, Hashem tells Bnei Yisrael:

“If you follow My ways and do what you’re supposed to do, I won’t strike you with the plagues I gave to Mitzrayim, because I am Hashem, your healer.”

At first glance, this seems a little strange. Hashem, our healer? Healing happens after sickness. But here, Hashem is saying that if we follow His ways, He won’t bring sickness at all.

So what does healing have to do with it?

The answer is powerful: Hashem is always healing us. Constantly.

Sickness doesn’t come from nowhere—it comes from the absence of healing. Meaning, Hashem isn’t just the One who cures sickness—He’s the One preventing it in the first place.

Someone once asked me why we have a bracha for healing the sick, but not for keeping us healthy.

And this pasuk is the answer. Healing the sick is keeping us healthy.

Without Hashem constantly sustaining us, we wouldn’t just get sick—we wouldn’t survive at all.

We tend to only notice when things go wrong. When we get sick, we daven for refuah. When we’re in trouble, we cry out for help.

But how often do we stop and recognize all the times things are going right?

Every breath, every heartbeat, every moment of health—it’s all from Hashem.

This is why gratitude is so crucial. If we only focus on what’s missing, we miss out on appreciating the incredible blessings Hashem gives us every second.

So today, let’s take a moment to recognize the hidden healing we experience every single day.

Because when we start to see Hashem’s presence in the things we usually take for granted, we begin to live with real emunah.

And that’s how we truly live the dream.

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