Category: Bitachon

  • Strengthening Bitachon: Practical Steps to Beat the Yetzer Hara

    The Yetzer Hara vs. Bitachon: A Battle of the Mind How is it possible for someone with strong bitachon to commit an aveira? This perplexing question underscores the astonishing power of the yetzer hara. The yetzer hara doesn’t fight fair—it chips away at our trust in Hashem, playing on our fears, desires, and weaknesses until…

  • Bitachon Explained: Trust, Struggle, And The Strength To Soar

    Have you ever been asked a question so surprising, it made you stop and rethink your values? That happened to me years ago on a date when the girl said, “I hear a lot of people where you live are very wealthy.”Trying to redirect, I replied, “Like any city, there are people at all levels.”…

  • Overcome Victim Mentality and Transform Your Life Through Bitachon

    The Blame Game: A Habit from Childhood When I was a kid, if I stubbed my toe or dropped something, the first thing I’d do was look around for the closest person to blame. It was almost automatic. Maybe you can relate—it’s the instinct to believe we’re perfect and any mishap couldn’t possibly be our…

  • What Are Likes and Comments Worth Anyway? A Lesson in Bitachon

    Let me ask you something – how often do you check your phone to see if anyone liked your latest post, commented on your story, or even just viewed your content? If you’re anything like me, that “just checking” habit can get out of hand. It becomes a cycle. You share something, refresh the page…

  • Consistency in Chaos: Finding our Anchor in Hashem’s Plan

    A Sukkot Wake-Up Call This past Sukkot, we had a lot to celebrate. One night, I was walking home from shul when I heard music and saw people dancing out of sheer joy in the street. So, of course, I joined in, soaking up the celebration. Later, my wife showed me a video of the…

  • Shattering the Glass: Seeing the True Reality

    There’s a Midrash that has always intrigued me—the idea that the whole world is blind until Hashem opens our eyes.  On the first day of Rosh Hashana, we read how Hashem opened Hagar’s eyes, and she suddenly saw a well of water right in front of her, enabling her to give her child a drink.…

  • Everything You Know is Wrong!

    You might think that you’ve got life figured out. You might believe that everything pretty much makes sense. But you’re wrong. What if I told you that there’s a deeper reality, one that doesn’t conform to the natural laws we’re accustomed to? The world operates on a level far beyond what we can imagine, and…

  • A Giant Leap of Emuna

    I just turned 44.  I am living the dream.  Living in Eretz Yisrael, I have a Beautiful wife and amazing kids, but something is off and it’s affecting my whole life.   When you hurt your toe or finger, your whole body suffers.   I am fixing that. I am jumping off a cliff and building my…