Tag: Geula Corner

  • Parshat Tetzaveh: Moshe’s Hidden Presence and the Secret to Redemption

    Parshat Tetzaveh is unique—it is the only parsha from Moshe Rabbeinu’s birth until Eikev where his name is absent. Instead, Hashem addresses him with “V’ata”—“And you.” The Baal HaTurim explains that this omission fulfills Moshe’s own words in Ki Tisa: “Mecheini na misifrecha”—”Erase me now from Your book.” After the sin of the Golden Calf,…

  • Vayikchu Li – Giving Ourselves to Hashem

    The Torah commands:“וְיִקְחוּ־לִי תְּרוּמָה” – “And they shall take for Me a donation.” (Shemot 25:2) Am Yisrael had just witnessed the greatest miracles in history—Yetziat Mitzrayim, Kriyat Yam Suf, and Matan Torah. They stood at the peak of spiritual elevation. And now, Hashem asks them to give. But not just gold and silver—something far greater.…