In Parshat Vayeitzei, we read about Yaakov Avinu’s journey from Be’er Sheva to Charan. Fleeing from Esav and stepping into the unknown, Yaakov encounters Hashem in a powerful dream. This dream becomes a turning point in his life, but it also reveals a profound lesson about perspective and recognizing Hashem’s presence, even in challenging times.…
This week’s parsha, Vayeitzei, highlights the power of tefillah—prayer—and how its effectiveness is proportionate to the depth of emotion we bring to it. Hashem doesn’t want only our words or intellect; He desires our hearts, souls, and entire being in our connection with Him. This idea comes to life in the contrasting stories of Leah…
The Yetzer Hara vs. Bitachon: A Battle of the Mind How is it possible for someone with strong bitachon to commit an aveira? This perplexing question underscores the astonishing power of the yetzer hara. The yetzer hara doesn’t fight fair—it chips away at our trust in Hashem, playing on our fears, desires, and weaknesses until…
We can learn a lot about Bitachon from Eliezer, Avraham Avinu’s servant. Avraham makes Eliezer promise to follow his directions and go to the place of Avraham’s birth to find a wife for his son Yitzchak. Eliezer swears but asks “what if she won’t come home with me?” Avraham tells him that if the girl…
The Blame Game: A Habit from Childhood When I was a kid, if I stubbed my toe or dropped something, the first thing I’d do was look around for the closest person to blame. It was almost automatic. Maybe you can relate—it’s the instinct to believe we’re perfect and any mishap couldn’t possibly be our…
A Sukkot Wake-Up Call This past Sukkot, we had a lot to celebrate. One night, I was walking home from shul when I heard music and saw people dancing out of sheer joy in the street. So, of course, I joined in, soaking up the celebration. Later, my wife showed me a video of the…