Life is a journey filled with moments of triumph and times of challenge. Yet, it’s during the struggles—the hardest, most humbling moments—that we often uncover our true purpose. Right now, we’re reading the parshiot about Bnei Yisrael transitioning from slavery to freedom, a story we revisit every Pesach Seder. Rav Hershel Schachter teaches that Pesach…
Have You Ever Been Stuck in the “Planning Trap”? You know the feeling—you’ve got an idea that lights you up. You get excited, jot down every detail, map out how it’ll unfold, and maybe even envision how incredible the results will be. But then… nothing. The idea sits, gathering digital dust in your notes, while…
The Struggles of Bnei Yisrael In this week’s parsha, Shemot, we witness the deepening struggles of Bnei Yisrael as they endure worsening slavery in Mitzrayim. The parsha opens with the tragic turning point: a new Pharaoh arises, one who “did not know Yosef,” and initiates the enslavement of the Jewish people. As the parsha unfolds,…