This Shabbat, we read Parshat Shekalim, the first of the Arba Parshiyot—a reminder of the mitzvah of the half-shekel, which Bnei Yisrael gave to sustain the Communal Korbanot. But this mitzvah is far more than just a historical tax.
The Gemara Yerushalmi reveals something incredible:
Haman paid a sum of silver to buy the right to annihilate the Jewish people in the month of Adar.
But Hashem had already set the cure before the sickness.
Our mitzvah of the Silver half-shekel came first.
Even before Parshat Zachor—before we remember Amalek’s hatred—we first remind ourselves:
🔹 Our mitzvot protect us.
The More We Give, The More Hashem Protects Us
Throughout history, our greatest shield has not been weapons.
It has been Torah. It has been mitzvot.
And this is exactly what we see in Parshat Teruma, which we also read this week.
Hashem commands “ויקחו לי תרומה”—“Take for Me a donation”. The wording seems off—it should say “Give Me a donation.”
Chazal explain that when we give to Hashem, we are actually taking. We gain far more than we give.
This is the essence of Jewish life:
When we dedicate ourselves to Hashem—our time, our resources, our entire being—we don’t lose.
We gain spiritual protection, closeness to Hashem, and the strength to overcome all challenges.
Chazal emphasize that serving Hashem isn’t just about money—it’s about using every part of ourselves:
- Shema commands us: “בכל לבבך ובכל נפשך ובכל מאדך”—to love Hashem with all our heart, soul, and resources.
- David HaMelech in Tehillim 35 declares: “כָּל עַצְמוֹתַי תֹּאמַרְנָה”—“All my bones will declare Hashem’s greatness.”
And in the same chapter, David calls out:
“רִיבָה ה’ אֶת רִיבַי, לְחַם אֶת לֹחֲמָי”
“Fight, Hashem, those who fight against me; battle those who battle me.”
David teaches us something critical:
When you use every part of yourself to serve Hashem, Hashem protects every part of you.
Countering Amalek’s Strategy
Parshat Zachor tells us that Amalek attacked the “weak”—those who were spiritually vulnerable, those who had fallen outside the Ananei HaKavod (Clouds of Glory).
What’s the response?
🔹 To stay inside.
🔹 To strengthen our connection to Hashem.
🔹 To use every part of ourselves in avodat Hashem.
This is why Parshat Shekalim comes before Parshat Zachor.
Before we even discuss destroying Amalek, we first fortify ourselves with mitzvot.
Because the best way to fight evil is not with weapons—but with kedusha.
This Message for Today
We are living in a time of unimaginable evil against the Jewish people and Eretz Yisrael.
Once again, our enemies are using everything they have to try to destroy us.
But history has already shown us what to do:
- When Am Yisrael unites through mitzvot, we override their decrees.
- Tzedakah, like the half-shekel, has the power to overturn gezeirot.
- Tefillah, like David HaMelech’s in Tehillim 35, reminds us that Hashem is our ultimate protector.
- Torah and mitzvot, performed with all our being, keep us under Hashem’s divine shield.
And this is not just a nice idea. It’s a proven reality.
Again and again, throughout history, when Jews strengthen Torah and mitzvot, they rise above their enemies.
And this isn’t just about surviving.
We are now entering Adar—the month where sorrow transforms into joy.
What does that mean for us?
We don’t just want to survive—we want to thrive.
We don’t just want to live—we want to live as ovdei Hashem, with purpose, strength, and meaning.
We don’t just want to fight our enemies—we want to strengthen ourselves so that they can’t touch us.
So as we enter Adar, let’s do what Jews have done for thousands of years.
Let’s strengthen our mitzvot.
Let’s use our shekalim to counter the evil in the world.
And let’s remember:
Hashem always fights for His people.
“רִיבָה ה’ אֶת רִיבַי”—May Hashem battle those who battle us.
And may we see victory, salvation, and the ultimate redemption—speedily in our days.
Am Yisrael Chai.
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