Have You Ever Been Stuck in the “Planning Trap”?
You know the feeling—you’ve got an idea that lights you up. You get excited, jot down every detail, map out how it’ll unfold, and maybe even envision how incredible the results will be. But then… nothing.
The idea sits, gathering digital dust in your notes, while your excitement fades. You convince yourself you’re being productive, but the truth is, you’re stuck.
I’ve been there too. I’ve always considered myself a planner, but not the “type-A itinerary” kind of planner. On vacation, I’d rather wander around, letting spontaneity lead me. But when it comes to projects or self-improvement? I dive deep into planning—brainstorming, researching, and organizing every detail.
The problem? Most of the time, I stop at the planning stage.
If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Many of us get caught in this trap. We plan, we research, we prepare. But we don’t act. And the truth is, all that effort means nothing unless you take the next step.
Planning Without Action Is Just Procrastination
For years, I didn’t realize this habit of endless planning was tied to my ADHD. The rush of brainstorming and organizing feels like progress, but at the end of the day, there’s nothing tangible to show for it.
We often convince ourselves that we need to know everything before we start. We research endlessly, read every book, and prepare for every possible scenario. Sometimes, we even justify scrolling through social media because a few educational videos pop up in our feed. “See? I’m learning something,” we tell ourselves. But these are just forms of procrastination disguised as productivity.
Here’s the hard truth: When we finally take action, we often realize that all the preparation didn’t help as much as we thought it would. The most valuable lessons come from doing, not planning. Action reveals the gaps, teaches us how to adapt, and helps us learn faster than any amount of preparation ever could.
This is the yetzer hara at work, deceiving us into thinking we’re using our time wisely. It whispers that we’re being productive, that we’re fulfilling our potential. But none of it matters unless we act.
Moshe Rabbeinu: A Masterclass in Taking Action
If you want an example of someone who understood the transformative power of action, look no further than Moshe Rabbeinu in this week’s Parsha, Shmot. Moshe wasn’t just a man of vision—he was a man who acted when action was needed.
After being miraculously saved as a baby and raised in Pharaoh’s palace, Moshe made a pivotal decision: he left the comfort and privilege of the palace to see the plight of his people. What he witnessed was unbearable—his brothers enslaved and suffering. Then, he saw something that demanded immediate action: an Egyptian beating a Hebrew. Moshe stepped in, risking everything, and took action to stop the abuse.
Later, after fleeing to Midian, Moshe again acted when he saw injustice. At a well, Yitro’s daughters were being driven away by shepherds while trying to draw water for their flock. Moshe stepped in, defending them and ensuring they could care for their sheep.
Finally, while tending Yitro’s flock in the wilderness, Moshe encountered the extraordinary—a burning bush that wasn’t consumed. Instead of walking past, Moshe said, “I must turn aside and investigate this phenomenon.” Only after he took that step did Hashem call out to him and reveal His mission to redeem the Jewish people.
Moshe didn’t wait for someone else to step up. He didn’t ignore the challenges or moments in front of him, or turn a blind eye. He acted, and in doing so, he set a timeless example for us: leadership and growth come from recognizing when action is needed and having the courage to take that first step.
Taking the First Step Invites Hashem’s Help
I’ve experienced this principle firsthand in my own life many times. There was a time when I was struggling with shmirat ha’eynaim—guarding my eyes. It’s a challenge many of us face, especially in today’s world. You walk down the street, and some people are barely dressed. Billboards and ads are crafted to appeal to our base instincts, and don’t even get me started on the endless stream of content available on TV, in movies, and on the phones we carry in our pockets.
Every day felt like a battle. No matter where I looked, I couldn’t escape the images. It was like a magnetic pull—something so hardwired that resisting felt nearly impossible. I knew I needed to work on it, but I couldn’t seem to make progress.
Then one day, while browsing in a sefarim store, I came across a book on shmirat ha’eynaim. On impulse, I bought it.
Now, reading isn’t easy for me—I have ADHD and dyslexia, and most books I buy end up gathering dust on my night table. But something incredible happened. Simply buying that book—taking that small, seemingly insignificant first step—changed something in me.
I found myself starting to gain control over my field of vision. I was able to look away, resist the pull, and redirect my focus. It wasn’t the book itself that made the difference; it was the act of taking that first step.
Hashem was waiting for me to move. And once I did, He stepped in to help with the rest.
Don’t Just Plan—Act
Millions of people make New Year’s resolutions. They craft elaborate plans to lose weight, get in shape, or learn something new. But without action, those resolutions are meaningless. If they were serious about their New Years resolution, they wouldn’t wait for January 1st to get started.
The same is true for personal growth and mindset training. For example, the 4-Minute Gratitude Program isn’t about thinking “I want to be more positive.” It’s about taking actionable steps to make gratitude a habit:
- Start with a prompt. Reflect deeply on it.
- Take action. Do a related activity—write it down, say it aloud, or share it with someone.
- Build consistency. Revisit yesterday’s gratitude and let it sink in.
The magic happens when you move from thought to action. It doesn’t even have to be a huge step. 4-Minute Gratitude takes only 1-4 minutes each day. Over time, you’ll find yourself naturally thanking Hashem throughout your day.
Your Call to Action
So, what’s the plan you’ve been sitting on? That idea gathering dust in a notebook or tucked away in your mind? It’s time to take the first step.
Maybe it’s tackling that character trait you know needs work. Maybe it’s starting to learn the sefer you’ve always wanted to learn. Or perhaps it’s stepping up your tefillah game or talking to Hashem more throughout the day.
Remember, action invites divine assistance. Like Moshe at the burning bush, Hashem is waiting to see you step forward. When you do, you’ll be amazed at how things begin to align.
Today, don’t just be a planner—be a doer. Take one action that moves you closer to your goal. Whether it’s joining the 4-Minute Gratitude Program, addressing a long-standing challenge, or beginning a project you’ve been dreaming about—do something about it.
Because when you take action, you’re not just changing your plans—you’re transforming your life.
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