Tag: Parshat Beshalach

  • Trusting Hashem’s GPS on the Road to Geulah

    When Hashem took Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt, He did not lead them through the shortest route, derech Eretz Plishtim “ki karov hu” which was the closest and seemingly easiest route. Instead, He took them on a longer, seemingly roundabout journey to prevent them from wanting to turn back out of fear. We often seek…

  • The Healing We Don’t See

    In Parshat Beshalach, Hashem tells Bnei Yisrael: “If you follow My ways and do what you’re supposed to do, I won’t strike you with the plagues I gave to Mitzrayim, because I am Hashem, your healer.” At first glance, this seems a little strange. Hashem, our healer? Healing happens after sickness. But here, Hashem is…