Tag: Jewish learning

  • No Jew Left Behind: Men, Women, Young and Old

    At the beginning of Parshat Bo, Moshe once again delivers Hashem’s message to Paroh: “For how long will you refuse to submit to Me? Let My people go so they may serve Me.” Paroh’s advisors, exhausted by the cycle of plagues and warnings, urged him to give in: “Let the men go and serve their…

  • Hashem Heard Their Cry: Why is this Time Different?

    The Struggles of Bnei Yisrael In this week’s parsha, Shemot, we witness the deepening struggles of Bnei Yisrael as they endure worsening slavery in Mitzrayim. The parsha opens with the tragic turning point: a new Pharaoh arises, one who “did not know Yosef,” and initiates the enslavement of the Jewish people. As the parsha unfolds,…

  • From Flicker to Flame: How to Light Your Soul’s Pilot Light

    We’re Doing It All Wrong How many times have you rushed through Modeh Ani in the morning? You barely open your eyes, mumble the words, and before you know it, you’re scrolling your phone or racing into the chaos of the day. It’s automatic—just something to check off the list. I’ve been there. For years,…