Tag: geulah

  • Trusting Hashem’s GPS on the Road to Geulah

    When Hashem took Bnei Yisrael out of Egypt, He did not lead them through the shortest route, derech Eretz Plishtim “ki karov hu” which was the closest and seemingly easiest route. Instead, He took them on a longer, seemingly roundabout journey to prevent them from wanting to turn back out of fear. We often seek…

  • Strengthening Emunah in Dark Times is the Key to Redemption

    David Hamelech writes in Tehillim: “Tov L’hodot L’Hashem”—”It is good to give thanks to Hashem… To declare Your Chesed in the morning and Your Emuna at night.” (Tehillim 92:2-3) It is easy to sing Hashem’s praises when life is smooth—“L’hagid baboker chasdecha”—we naturally feel Hashem’s kindness in those moments. But what about the darkness? What…

  • Hashem Heard Their Cry: Why is this Time Different?

    The Struggles of Bnei Yisrael In this week’s parsha, Shemot, we witness the deepening struggles of Bnei Yisrael as they endure worsening slavery in Mitzrayim. The parsha opens with the tragic turning point: a new Pharaoh arises, one who “did not know Yosef,” and initiates the enslavement of the Jewish people. As the parsha unfolds,…