Tag: ahavat chinam

  • Parshat Tetzaveh: Moshe’s Hidden Presence and the Secret to Redemption

    Parshat Tetzaveh is unique—it is the only parsha from Moshe Rabbeinu’s birth until Eikev where his name is absent. Instead, Hashem addresses him with “V’ata”—“And you.” The Baal HaTurim explains that this omission fulfills Moshe’s own words in Ki Tisa: “Mecheini na misifrecha”—”Erase me now from Your book.” After the sin of the Golden Calf,…

  • The Power of a Small Gesture

    Sometimes, the smallest act of kindness can change everything. A warm smile, holding the door for someone, offering a kind word—these simple gestures may seem insignificant, but they have the power to create connection, uplift others, and bring unity to our world. In this week’s parsha, the Torah warns us:“Do not take bribes, for bribes…

  • The Ultimate Key to Geula: Jewish Unity and the Presence of Hashem

    In Parshat Yitro, just before Matan Torah, the Torah describes Bnei Yisrael’s encampment at Har Sinai: “וַיִּחַן שָׁם יִשְׂרָאֵל נֶגֶד הָהָר” – “And Israel encamped there opposite the mountain.” (Shemot 19:2) Rashi famously points out the unusual singular form of “וַיִּחַן” (they encamped), rather than the expected plural, explaining that Bnei Yisrael were united “כְּאִישׁ…