At the end of last week’s parsha, Moshe approaches Hashem, frustrated that not only did Pharaoh refuse to let Bnei Yisrael go, but the slavery intensified. Hashem reassures Moshe, saying, “Ata tireh”—you will see what I will do to Pharaoh.

In this week’s parsha, Hashem delivers a transformative message to Bnei Yisrael: “I am Hashem, and I will take you out of the burdens of Egypt. I will save you from your labor, I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and great judgments, and I will take you to Me as a nation… And you will know that I am Hashem who took you out of the burdens of Egypt.” (Shemot 6:6-7). Hashem promises not just one act of salvation but a process of increasing goodness—one step after another.

When we are in pain, it can be hard to see the bigger picture. Hashem teaches us that redemption comes in stages: He takes us out of oppression, frees us from hard labor, redeems us, and makes us His nation. Each stage builds upon the previous, showing tov, then v’od yoter tov, v’od yoter tov, v’od yoter tov. By opening our eyes to Hashem’s goodness in our lives, we will recognize that it is all from Him.

As Chovot HaLevavot (Shaar HaBitachon) teaches: “One who places trust in Hashem accepts whatever happens with joy, knowing that it comes from the One who knows what is truly best.” When we internalize this idea, we align ourselves with redemption.

The ultimate promise follows: “V’heveiti”—“I will bring you to the land of Israel” (Shemot 6:8). When we see the good in our lives and acknowledge that ein od milvado—there is none besides Hashem—then we are ready to merit the gift of Eretz Yisrael, the ultimate Geula, and the coming of Mashiach.

In life, there are ups and downs, but by actively looking for Hashem’s kindness, we’ll see more and more of His goodness. Once we internalize that everything is from Hashem, we align ourselves with redemption. By strengthening our bitachon and recognizing His goodness, we bring Geula closer.

Let us strive to recognize Hashem’s infinite kindness and prepare ourselves for the Ultimate Geula and Mashiach very soon.

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