Tag: serving Hashem

  • No Jew Left Behind: Men, Women, Young and Old

    At the beginning of Parshat Bo, Moshe once again delivers Hashem’s message to Paroh: “For how long will you refuse to submit to Me? Let My people go so they may serve Me.” Paroh’s advisors, exhausted by the cycle of plagues and warnings, urged him to give in: “Let the men go and serve their…

  • On the Other Side of Struggle

    In this week’s parsha, Bnei Yisrael’s suffering in Mitzrayim intensifies after Moshe’s initial approach to Paroah. The Torah describes their inability to listen to Moshe because of “kotzer ruach” (shortness of spirit) and “avodah kasha” (hard labor) (Shemot 6:9). Yet this suffering was not meaningless—it was an essential part of Hashem’s plan to prepare them…