This week’s Parsha tells an incredible story about the power of prayer and the difference each person can make. Hashem sends angels to inform Avraham that He plans to destroy Sodom and the entire surrounding area due to their wickedness. Avraham, known for his compassion and righteousness, pleads with Hashem to save the cities. He…
In Parshat Noach, we’re introduced to Noach, a tzaddik in his generation, who follows Hashem’s instructions to build the Teiva (ark) as a refuge from the impending flood. However, there’s a curious detail: Noach doesn’t actually enter the Teiva until the rain is so fierce that he has no choice but to go inside. Why…
When Hashem created the world, He commanded plants and trees to sprout, but curiously, they held back just beneath the surface of the earth. Why? Because they were waiting for Adam to come into the picture, to sense the need for growth, and to daven (pray) for rain. Only then did the plants burst through…