Tag: Rashi commentary

  • Being Present: The Lesson of “Ve’Yehi Sham”

    In Parshat Mishpatim, Hashem tells Moshe: “Ascend the mountain and be there (ve’yehi sham), and I will give you the tablets, the Torah, and the mitzvot that I have written to teach them.” (Shemot 24:12) At first glance, this phrase seems redundant. If Moshe is going up the mountain, of course, he is there! Why…

  • The Power of a Small Gesture

    Sometimes, the smallest act of kindness can change everything. A warm smile, holding the door for someone, offering a kind word—these simple gestures may seem insignificant, but they have the power to create connection, uplift others, and bring unity to our world. In this week’s parsha, the Torah warns us:“Do not take bribes, for bribes…