Did you know that Hashem’s name is incomplete? The Torah tells us exactly why. This week is Parshat Zachor, when we fulfill the mitzvah to remember Amalek. But Amalek isn’t just an ancient nation—it’s an ideology. They stand for randomness and coincidence, for a world without Hashem. They are the opposite of emunah. When Amalek…
In Parshat Yitro, we encounter one of the most fundamental mitzvot in the Aseret HaDibrot: “Zachor et Yom HaShabbat l’kad’sho” – “Remember the Shabbat day to sanctify it.” The Torah commands us to work for six days and then rest on the seventh, “For in six days Hashem made the heavens and the earth, and…
This week’s parsha, Vayeitzei, highlights the power of tefillah—prayer—and how its effectiveness is proportionate to the depth of emotion we bring to it. Hashem doesn’t want only our words or intellect; He desires our hearts, souls, and entire being in our connection with Him. This idea comes to life in the contrasting stories of Leah…