Tag: empathy

  • Finding Purpose Through Struggles: A Journey of Growth, Gratitude, and Giving

    Life is a journey filled with moments of triumph and times of challenge. Yet, it’s during the struggles—the hardest, most humbling moments—that we often uncover our true purpose. Right now, we’re reading the parshiot about Bnei Yisrael transitioning from slavery to freedom, a story we revisit every Pesach Seder. Rav Hershel Schachter teaches that Pesach…

  • On the Other Side of Struggle

    In this week’s parsha, Bnei Yisrael’s suffering in Mitzrayim intensifies after Moshe’s initial approach to Paroah. The Torah describes their inability to listen to Moshe because of “kotzer ruach” (shortness of spirit) and “avodah kasha” (hard labor) (Shemot 6:9). Yet this suffering was not meaningless—it was an essential part of Hashem’s plan to prepare them…

  • Hate Comes From Distance So Run After Peace

    Shalom (Peace) is one of Hashem’s names. We conclude our tefillah with a bracha for Shalom and the word Shalom is the final word of the powerful Birkat Kohanim. Rabbi Yehoshua Ben Levi says in Gemara Taanit Yerushalmi that the whole idea why the Chachamim Set up Eruvei Chatzeirot is for Darchei Shalom, to promote…