Tag: Avodat Hashem

  • What Have You Done for Me Lately?

    We read in the Torah about Bnei Yisrael’s journey out of Mitzrayim, and honestly, it’s frustrating to watch. Hashem saves them from slavery with incredible miracles—the ten plagues, the splitting of the sea—and what happens? The next moment, they’re panicking. “We’re trapped! The Egyptians are coming! We’re all going to die!” So Hashem splits the…

  • Strengthening Emunah in Dark Times is the Key to Redemption

    David Hamelech writes in Tehillim: “Tov L’hodot L’Hashem”—”It is good to give thanks to Hashem… To declare Your Chesed in the morning and Your Emuna at night.” (Tehillim 92:2-3) It is easy to sing Hashem’s praises when life is smooth—“L’hagid baboker chasdecha”—we naturally feel Hashem’s kindness in those moments. But what about the darkness? What…