Category: Jewish Holidays

  • How Purim Taught Me to See Hashem Everywhere

    Growing Up with Hashem on the Shelf Growing up Modern Orthodox, I believed in Hashem, but I also believed that I was in control of my life. Hashem was there, of course—but He was more like a fire extinguisher, placed neatly behind a glass case that read: Break in Case of Emergency. Most of the…

  • The Hidden Key to Moving From Teshuva to Simcha

    Why Do We Say Vidui on Erev Yom Kippur? Something about Erev Yom Kippur seems really out of place.   Let me explain.  Over Yom Kippur, we said vidui, the confession of sins, nine times.  But what seems out of place is that one of those times is during Mincha before we eat our final meal…

  • From Dread to Delight: My Journey with Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

    As a child, Rosh Hashana felt like an endless marathon of prayers. I’d sit on an uncomfortable folding chair in the overflow section of the social hall, which they’d open up to accommodate the extra crowd for the Yamim Noraim. Fidgeting in my seat, I’d flip through the machzor, counting the pages left, then cutting…